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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 57.27 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...closest relatives are vertebrates. This group includes...
...the Origin of Vertebrates The vertebrates belong...
...of Vertebrates The vertebrates belong to one...
...three subphyla, the vertebrates and two phyla...
...chordates and primitive vertebrates, it remains as...
...a remnant in vertebrates with a more... (in aquatic vertebrates), jaw support, hearing,...
...the origin of vertebrates Most urochordates, commonly...
...suggests that the vertebrates’ closest relatives are...
...The evolution of vertebrates from invertebrates may...
...Introduction to the Vertebrates 1. Neural crest,...
...neural tube. In vertebrates, a group of...
...which includes the vertebrates and the hagfishes....
...internal organs. Most vertebrates also have an...
...Active movement by vertebrates is supported by...
...sedentary lifestyle in pre-vertebrates to a more...
...pursued by most vertebrates. 2. An overview...
...jaws. All other vertebrates, the gnathostomes, have...
...included. C. Jawless Vertebrates The two extant...
...classes of jawless vertebrates, the agnathans, are...
...most primitive living “vertebrates” All of the...
...Some extinct jawless vertebrates had ossified teeth...
...bony armor Jawless vertebrates are much more...
...embryos of extant vertebrates. Jaws and paired...
...development of most vertebrates, the skeleton is...
...numerous group of vertebrates, both in individuals...
...the success of vertebrates on land The...
...birds, and the vertebrates commonly called reptiles,...
...eggs enabled terrestrial vertebrates to complete their...
...the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for more than...
...species of mammals. Vertebrates of the class...
...brains than other vertebrates of equivalent size....
N/A 186
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 369.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
... Chapter 34 Vertebrates Lecture Outline Overview:...
...ancestors of the vertebrates, one of the...
...slither, or fly. Vertebrates derive their name...
...200 million years, vertebrates were restricted to... lineage of vertebrates set the stage...
...stage for these vertebrates to colonize land.... On land, vertebrates diversified into amphibians,...
...52,000 species of vertebrates, far fewer than...
...on Earth. What vertebrates lack in species...
...hollow nerve cord. Vertebrates belong to one...
...related to the vertebrates. Along with the...
...hagfishes and the vertebrates, they make up...
...swimming In most vertebrates, the notochord remains...
...suspension-feeding devices. In vertebrates (with the exception...
...the exception of vertebrates that have limbs,...
...the origin of vertebrates. Lancelets (Cephalochordata) are... tunicates and vertebrates but are absent...
...genes that in vertebrates are associated with...
...and hindbrain of vertebrates express themselves in...
...predator. Concept 34.3 Vertebrates are craniates that...
...craniates evolved into vertebrates. With a more...
...more elaborate skeleton, vertebrates became more efficient...
...being eaten. After vertebrates branched off from...
...the majority of vertebrates, the vertebrae enclose...
...the notochord. Aquatic vertebrates also have a... lineage of vertebrates. Like hagfishes, lampreys...
...were slender, soft-bodied vertebrates with prominent eyes...
...300 million years. Vertebrates with additional innovations...
...Devonian periods. These vertebrates had paired fins...
...jawless, armored, swimming vertebrates went extinct by...
...diverged from other vertebrates. What initiated the...
...of mineralization in vertebrates? Mineralization may have...
...mineralized structures in vertebrates were conodont dental... later jawless vertebrates was derived from... more derived vertebrates did the endoskeleton...
...34.4 Gnathostomes are vertebrates that have jaws....
...of teeth, enable vertebrates to grasp food...
...lineage of armored vertebrates called placoderms. Most... of jawed vertebrates called acanthodians radiated... from other vertebrates. Traces of bone...
...vast majority of vertebrates belong to a...
...the mid-Devonian, these vertebrates adapted to life...
...gave rise to vertebrates with limbs and...
...eggs enabled terrestrial vertebrates to complete their...
...brains than other vertebrates of equivalent size....
N/A 193
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